Continental Mathematics League

You and your students are invited to join us for the 2024-2025 school year. The fun and excitement expressed by students of all grade levels continues to be gratifying. As many of you have mentioned, both mathematical skills and reading skills are improved for students participating at all levels.

If you are currently participating in the Continental Mathematics League, we invite you to further your student’s progress in the art of problem-solving by completing the application for the coming year. If you have not yet joined the League, we welcome you to do so and, thus offer your students an unusual opportunity to learn mathematics and enjoy it at the same time. Schools may participate at any one or more of the various grade levels listed below. Additional comments follow the table.

Pythagorean or Euclidean Division Calculus League
Grade Level 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Advanced Placement
Activity 3 Meets
6 Questions per Meet
5 Meets
6 Questions per Meet
4 Meets
8 Questions per Meet
Time Limit 30 minutes per meet 30 minutes per meet 40 minutes per meet
Meet Dates 1/9, 2/6, 3/6 11/7, 12/5, 1/9, 2/6, 3/6 12/5, 2/6, 3/6, 4/10
Fees $90 per team $100 first team
$85 each additional team
$100 first team
$85 each additional team


  • Each participating team receives 5 certificates and 2 medals.
  • National and Regional awards will be distributed to duly recognize individual and team achievements.

Results Cut-off Dates

  • These are the dates you must enter your scores by to have your school listed on the results report. If you miss this date, you should still enter your scores late so that your cumulative scores are correct on future meets.
  • Euclidean & Pythagorean Grades 4-9: 12/2, 1/6, 2/3, 3/3, 3/24
  • Grades 2 & 3: 2/3, 3/3, 3/24
  • Calculus: 1/6, 3/3, 4/7, 4/28

Grades 2-3

It is our belief that many students can begin developing their ability to approach a problem at an early age. Here is an enjoyable educational supplement to your present program.

Pythagorean Division

Students participating require above-average reading comprehension and analytical reasoning capabilities. Their computational skills should be appropriate to their grade level.

Euclidean Division

Students participating require average reading comprehension and analytical reasoning capabilities. Their computational skills should be appropriate to their grade level.

Note: So that as many students as possible can receive recognition, no individual student may participate in both divisions.

Calculus League

The questions are designed to enhance understanding of the calculus. At the same time they will prepare your students for the AB level of the AP examination. Calculators approved by ETS may be used.


  • Click on the large CML logo above the grade level you want.
  • A page will open where you can download a sample test.


  • All CML experiences are designed to both maximize student opportunites to participate and to improve their problem solving capabilities.
  • Your students will be participating with other students on the same grade level from schools all over the United States.
  • These activities may be conducted in class during regular school hours without any additional time or transportation requirements.
  • The prices outlined above are your total fees for the school year.
  • For the grade 2, 3, Pythagorean, Euclidean, and Calculus Meets, all questions are accompanied by step-by-step solutions.

Meet and Contest Operations

  • Each student is to work independently within the prescribed time period.
  • Except for the Calculus League, paper and pencil are to be used to solve the questions.
  • Each Meet or Contest is to be held on the day that it is scheduled or the nearest possible day.
  • You will download a PDF file of the questions and solutions for each Contest you enter.
  • Please duplicate as many copies as you need.
  • There is NO restriction as to how many students may participate in the Meets or Contests.
  • Meets and Contests are to be proctored and graded by the school with answer keys and step-by-step solutions (where appropriate) provided by CML.
  • The top 6 scores on the sheet will be the team’s score for each Meet or Contest.
  • The scores are to be entered on our website, and the results may be viewed online after each Meet.
  • CML anticipates that each student will participate at or above his/her present grade level.
  • For example, both 5th and 6th graders may participate at the 6th grade level.
  • It is also expected that each advisor will preserve the integrity of the Meets or Contest by adhering to the appropriate time limitation and by maintaining adequate security of the materials prior to each event.

Registration is open for the 2024-2025 Contest year.

Note: These are Contests only to be ordered by Schools- parents looking for practice materials should go to the “books” tab.

Showing all 75 results

Showing all 75 results